Article title (Publication; click to download PDF)
Out with Agape Love and in with Secular Love Ethics (Secular Humanism)
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The Tyranny of Time: How Long Does Therapy Really Take? (Psychotherapy Networker)
Academic Articles
Gnaulati, E. (2025). Back to me: Conversational narcissism and its amelioration in couples therapy. Existential Analysis (in press)
Gnaulati, E. (2025). Maximization of happiness as an ethical treatment goal. Psychoanalytic Inquiry (in press)
Gnaulati, E. (2024). Salutary reminiscing, pathological nostalgizing, and the psychopolitics of christian nationalism. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Advance online publication.
Gnaulati, E. (2022). Overlooked ethical problems associated with the research and practice of evidence-based treatments. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 62(5), 653–668.
Gnaulati, E. (2022). Supplanting prideful monologue with humble dialogue: A dialogical existential approach to couples therapy. The Humanistic Psychologist, 50(2), 256–270.
Gnaulati, E. (2021). Relational healing in psychotherapy: Reaching beyond the research. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 41(8), 593–602.
Gnaulati, E. (2020). “Relational healing in psychotherapy: Reaching beyond the research,” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, (in press).
Gnaulati, E. (2020). “Supplanting prideful monologue with humble dialogue: A dialogical existential approach to couples therapy,” The Humanistic Psychologist.
Gnaulati, E. (2020). “Fostering mirthful acceptance in couples therapy: An existential viewpoint,” Existential Analysis, 31, 368-378.
Gnaulati, E. (2019). “The ethics of neglecting clinical relationship building in trauma-focused treatments,” Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 21, 104-116.
Gnaulati, E. (2019). “Overlooked Ethical Problems Associated with the Research and Practice of Evidence-Based Treatments,” Journal of Humanistic Psychology (in press).
Gnaulati, E. (2019). “Potential ethical pitfalls and dilemmas in the promotion and use of American Psychological Association-recommended treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder,” Psychotherapy, 56, 374-382.
Gnaulati, E. (2010). “The ordinariness of good psychotherapy,” Analyze This.
Gnaulati, E. (2009). “Mild/Moderate ADHD or Garden-Variety Childhood Narcissism?” The Los Angeles Psychologist, August-September.
Gnaulati, E. (2008). “Play that emotionally arouses and de-arouses children,” Play Therapy, 4, 12-14.
Gnaulati, E. (2008). “Healthy ways to motivate kids,” The Phoenix.
Gnaulati, E., & North, S. (2005) “Peacemaking with preschoolers: Conflict resolution to promote emotional mastery and harmonious classrooms.” PMX Printing.
Gnaulati, E. (2002). “Extending the uses of sibling therapy with children and adolescents,” Psychotherapy, 39 , 76-87.
Gnaulati, E. (1999). “Enhancing the self-esteem and social competence of hyperactive children: A semi-structured activity group therapy model,” Group, 23(2), 87-101.
Gnaulati, E. (1997). “Giving in to feeling like giving up: Adolescent suicidal behavior,” In Touch, 4, 1-6.
Gnaulati, E., & Heine, B. J. (2001). “Separation-individuation in late adolescence: An investigation of gender and ethnic differences,” Journal of Psychology, 135 (1), 59- 70.
Gnaulati, E., & Heine, B. J. (1997). “Parental bonding and religiosity in young adulthood,” Psychological Reports, 81, 1171-1174.
Gnaulati, E., O’Connell, A. A., & Broughton, J. M. (2001). “The influence of paternal bonding on the development of separation-individuation in late adolescence.” (Unpublished Manuscript).
Merchey, J., Heine, B. J., & Gnaulati, E. (1998, April). “Separation-individuation in late adolescent females: The impact of paternal bonding,” Poster session presented at The Western Psychological Association-Rocky Mounting Psychological Association Joint Meeting (Albuquerque, NM).