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“Saving Talk Therapy,” Keynote Speaker, Psychotherapy Action Network Conference, San Francisco, CA
“Staying Calm and Holding One's Ground: Parenting with Authority,” Holy Family School, South Pasadena, CA
“Disciplined Compassion: Reaching Beyond Mere Empathy and Therapeutic Neutrality to Optimize Client Improvement,” Seattle University, Seattle, WA
“Disciplined Compassion: Reaching Beyond Mere Empathy and Therapeutic Neutrality to Optimize Client Improvement,” Society for Humanistic Psychology, Boulder, CO
“No Laughing Matter: The Therapeutic Use of Humor," San Gabriel Valley, CAMF, Pasadena, CA
“Weathering the Storm: Holding Your Child Accountable Without Caving in or Exploding,” Sequoyah School, Pasadena, CA
“Evidenced Based is Evidenced Biased: The Problematic Privileging of Cognitive Behaviorism in Psychotherapy Research and Practice,” IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
“Children at Risk for False Diagnoses,” Psychology Department, Northwestern University
“Success at Life is not Just Success at School,” Flintridge Preparatory School, La Canada, CA
“Practicing with Personality,” San Gabriel Valley Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA
“Back to Normal,” Department of Psychology, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
“Staying Calm and Holding One's Ground, Parenting with Sensitivity and Authority” Sequoyah School, Pasadena, CA
“Evidenced Based is Evidenced Biased: In Support of Humanistic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy,” San Gabriel Valley Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA
“The Overdiagnosis Problem in Children,” Flintridge Preparatory School, La Canada, CA
“Parenting with Authority,” Fusion Academy, Pasadena, CA
“Young Children at Risk for a False Diagnosis of ADHD or Autism,” Sierra Madre Community Nursery School, Sierra Madre, CA
“Risky Business: How to Talk to Your Kids About Risk-Taking Behaviors,” Oakwood School, North Hollywood, CA
“A Play Therapy Primer,” Maple Counseling Center, Beverly Hills, CA
“Young Children at Risk for a False Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder,” California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools Conference, Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, Burbank Airport, CA
“Mentally Gifted, Not Mentally Disordered,” California Association of Independent Schools Annual Conference, Campbell Hall, North Hollywood, CA
“Handling Overt Conflict in Couples Therapy,” San Gabriel Valley Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA
“Peacemaking with Preschoolers,” Childcare Resource Center, Chatsworth, CA
“When to Go Toe-to-Toe: Healthy and Necessary Parent-Child Conflicts,” St. Sebastian School, West Los Angeles, CA
“Parenting: High Standards to Strive For,” Sequoyah School, Pasadena, CA
“Anxiety and Inconsistencies in Academic Performance,” Consortium of Learning Specialists, Los Angeles, CA
“Love with Limits and Limits with Love,” Temple Knesseth Israel, Los Angeles, CA
“The Ordinariness of Good Psychotherapy,” 29th International Human Sciences Conference, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
“Children and Video Games: Playful Devices or Poisonous Vices?” Sequoyah School, Pasadena, CA
“Judging What is Normal in Children: Behavior Quirk or Behavior Problem,” Sequoyah School, Pasadena, CA